Ease of Use is what control panels and touch screens are all about. Our in-house design staff can custom create a simple solution that not only looks state-of-the-art, but functions logically without having to read exhaustive manuals to just turn components on & off. Seamless control without interruption; keeps the ideas moving and the exchange of information flowing. Our philosophy is that technology should foster educational development, not stifle it. We subscribe to the basic rule of making things simple.
Single button control can include functionality such as lowering the presentation screen, dimming the lights, closing the motorized blinds etc. to effortlessly prepare the room.
Inquire today with our sales staff on how we can formulate a system to meet your needs. We utilize all our resources for your benefit by combining our knowledge with those of our great partners and manufacturers. We pride ourselves on smart integration that fosters everyone's success!
For More Information on Control Systems